giovedì 16 ottobre 2008

Tutorial # 4 Why Be Moral? Stirner on Egoism


Max Stirner (1844)

Der Einzige und sein Eigentum ("The Ego and its Own")

love cuts no better figure than any other passion that I obey blindly. The ambitious man, who is carried away by ambition and remains deaf to every warning that a calm moment begets in him, has let this passion grow up into a despot against whom he abandons all power of dissolution: he has given up himself, because he cannot dissolve himself, and consequently cannot absolve himself from the passion: he is possessed. I love men too -- not merely individuals, but every one. But I love them with the consciousness of egoism; I love them because love makes me happy, I love because loving is natural to me, because it pleases me. I know no "commandment of love."

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